Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Evolution Cannot Explain the Immaterial

Darwinism asserts that only materials exist, but materials don’t have morality. How much does hate weigh? Is there an atom for love? What’s the chemical composition of the murder molecule? These questions are meaningless because physical particles are not responsible for morality. If materials are solely responsible for morality, then Hitler had no real moral responsibility for what he did—he just had bad molecules.  This is nonsense, and everyone knows it.  Human thoughts and transcendent moral laws are not material things any more than the laws of logic and mathematics are material things. They are immaterial entities that cannot be weighed or physically measured. As a result, they can’t be explained in material terms by natural selection or any other atheistic means.

Norman L. Geisler and Frank Turek, I Don’t Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist, pg.187

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