Wednesday, May 4, 2022

LEFTISTs Hate the Truth Because it is Dangerous to Them

The reason postmodernists find Christians so irritating is that we keep violating the rules by speaking of our beliefs in terms of real, objective truth. This is regarded as a category mistake. … Biblical Christianity makes cognitive claims about the entire scope of reality, not only the spiritual realm but also the physical cosmos, historical events, and human nature. It is not merely our subjective experience.

A primary reason secularists are gentler in their treatment of other religions is that most seem odd and foreign, so that Americans are prone to regard them as merely ethnic and cultural customs. As a result, they pose no threat to the secularist agenda. The reason Christianity is dangerous is that a good number of Americans actually believe it, and offer its teachings on human nature, the family, the state, and so on, as a basis for civil society. Clearly, their views must be debunked as irrational superstition.

David Limbaugh, Persecution: How Liberals Are Waging War Against Christianity, pg. 337-338

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