Saturday, May 21, 2022

Sexolatry Is Destroying Culture

For humans, the biological element is augmented with the practical, emotional, and spiritual virtues necessary to form and rear the nuclear family. That family—minor children raised to adulthood by a mother and a father—is the foundational component in forming a durable and thriving society. Each parent provides physical, intellectual, emotional, and spiritual attributes that, to the degree necessary, complement and reinforce the other. From this, children emerge into adulthood, form their own families, and the process continues. This is the sole purpose—repeat—sole purpose of sexuality.

But today’s secularism has dropped society into an intellectual quicksand that repudiates matters of faith and objective reality. It is fitting to define this neopaganism as “sexolatry,” with sexuality warped into a bizarre dark comedy of dysphoria and disorientation. Now it’s “hookup culture,” it’s a casual “participation sport.” The unremitting truth of male and female—something assigned immutably at conception—yields to a whole zoology of “preferred pronouns,” with a spectrum of genders absurdly more varied than a fat folder of decorator’s paint chips.

This toxic climate of deranged permissiveness has desensitized the population to a torrent of coarseness and spawned an epidemic of tragedy. Teen pregnancy. Human trafficking and sexual slavery. Public school teachers demonically pushing gender manipulation on students. Pornographic graphic novels in school libraries. Teacher-conducted “Pride” festivals. Jarring messaging from the entertainment world.

Reared in this sexual jungle and drenched with such thought, word, image, and deed, it seems unsurprising that some, even many, young people emerge, confused and depressed, into adulthood.

Dale A. Fitzgibbons, LGBTQ+: Leftism’s corruption of God’s sacred gift to humankind


Jesse Albrecht said...

Glenn E. Chatfield said...


I searched all through that site and apparently missed it.