Sunday, November 12, 2023

When Accountable to the State Instead of to God

One does not have to believe in God to recognize that as America has become increasingly secular—that is, as God has become smaller and smaller—the state has become bigger and bigger. In order to prevent moral chaos society must inculcate moral accountability in its citizens. And as people hold themselves less accountable for their behavior to God (specifically, the God of the Bible), the more they will be accountable for their behavior to the state. In order to create a free country—and America did become the freest country in world history—America was designed to have people morally accountable to God. This is the reason John Adams, the “father of the Constitution” and the second president of the United States, wrote, “Our Constitution was made only for a moral an religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”

Dennis Prager, The Rational Bible, Deuteronomy: God, Blessings, and Curses, pg.67

1 comment:

Glenn E. Chatfield said...


By writing that everything I say is negative you've proven you haven't really read this blog. I don't say anything. This blog is just quotations from many, many sources. They are quotes to provoking thinking whether the topic is good or bad, positive or negative,

Instead, you just wanted to comment on this post so you can spew your own ideology. So if you really want to critique this blog instead using a comment to pontificate, try reading the quotations THINK about them.