Sunday, May 6, 2018

The TRUTH About Sex and Honor

In our sexual revolution we have forgotten and ignored the truth that sex without love and commitment equals loneliness. It is often empty and degrading. In addition we have lost the innocence we had when we more clearly understood that sex was a beautiful gift from God and that he ordained our sexual instincts to be completed in marriage.  We have lost the sense of wonder and beauty found in our God-given ability to express our sexuality in the sanctity of marriage—as the means of constantly renewing our love for and devotion to one another. But perhaps most tragically, we have lost our honor. Remember the scene from Gone With the Wind when Scarlett was pleading with Ashley to leave his wife and baby and run away with her? At one point she cried, “Oh, Ashley! Don’t you see? There’s nothing to keep us here!” To which Ashley replied, “Nothing? . . . Nothing except our honor.”

What has become of our honor as persons and as a nation? Something inside us dies when we lose our honor, when we give in to the standards that go against everything we know within our hearts to be right. Our consciences have been deadened through our sexual revolution, and our moral values have been served into numbness. Our spiritual landmarks are missing and we no longer have any moorings to cling to. We are held captive in a dark prison of liberation.

Hope MacDonald, The Flip Side of Liberation: A Call to Traditional Values, pg.133

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